Pure relaxation at the foot of the Hunau
Vier oder sechs Tage Erholung pur am Fuße der Hunau - genießen Sie einen Kurzurlaub im Landhotel Albers.

Behind the scenes of a country hotel

Insider knowledge for Albers fans

Have we aroused your interest? That makes us happy. Here you will find further important information about the Landhotel Albers, your place of longing in the Sauerland. We would like to give you a glimpse behind the scenes of our hotel and provide you with interesting facts about our house, our team and the history.

Die aktuelle Preisliste, Gruppenangebote und die Tagungsmappe vom Landhotel Albers finden Sie unter nachstehenden Links als Download im PDF-Format.

Hotel brochure
Conference flyer
Flyer Apartments Katarina 1 & 2
Im Urlaub sein...

You want to know more and get to know us personally? No problem at all! We will be happy to answer all your questions in a personal meeting. Or you can just drop by and experience the Albers feeling up close.

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    Plan journey

    Plan journey
    Landhotel Albers
    Graf-Gottfried-Straße 2
    57392 Schmallenberg-Bödefeld
    E-mail: info@albers-landhotel.de
    Phone: +49 2977 213
    Fax: +49 2977 1426

    By submitting the form, you agree to our privacy policy.

    Our Vouchers
    To Booking