Pure relaxation at the foot of the Hunau
Vier oder sechs Tage Erholung pur am Fuße der Hunau - genießen Sie einen Kurzurlaub im Landhotel Albers.

Meetings in the heart of nature

Our Henken House for your business event

Concentrating on the essentials, working effectively on new paths to success far away from everyday stress, ringing phones, city and company noise: That is the goal of conferences. Our conference hotel offers you the ideal environment for this, because we have specialised in the needs of business customers with attractive conference packages.

Separate meeting house

So that you can really meet undisturbed, we have set up some modern meeting and seminar rooms in our separate conference house, which are individually seated according to your needs and equipped with conference technology such as a beamer, presenter's case, flipchart, screen and movable walls. This way you will not be disturbed by the normal hotel business and can still benefit from our exquisite service.

In unserem "Henken-Haus" können Sie mit bis zu 50 Personen intensiv arbeiten. Zusätzlich können Sie einige spezielle Rahmenprogramme buchen. Die Mitarbeiter unseres Seminarhotels helfen Ihnen gerne bei der Planung Ihrer erfolgreichen Tagung, Ihres Seminars oder Ihres Workshops bei uns im Landhotel Albers im herrlich idyllischen Schmallenberg-Bödefeld im Sauerland.

Habichtscheidt conference room (65 sqm)

  • Length: 11.56 m
  • Width: 5.40 m
  • Room height: 2.65 m
  • Carpet
  • Ground floor
  • U-shape: 18 people
  • Parliament: 18 persons
  • Circle of chairs: 20 people

Meeting room Buchhagen (53 sqm)

  • Length: 9.47 m
  • Width: 5.35 m
  • Room height: 2.80 m
  • Carpet
  • Ground floor
  • U-shape: 20 people
  • Parliament: 26 persons
  • Circle of chairs: 30 people

Break in the Sauerland - refreshment for your conference

Concentrated work in seminars and conferences requires energy. Targeted interruptions are important to allow body and mind short breaks and to recharge the "batteries" during the conference breaks.

At Landhotel Albers we place particular emphasis on suitable catering for your seminar and conference. Light meals with fresh ingredients on the one hand, small snacks from sweet to savoury on the other. Plus plenty of space for personal discussions outside the official agenda. In this way, topics of the event can be deepened in a playful way and contacts can be made at the same time.

In addition, the austere beauty of the Sauerland invites you to take a more or less extended walk or to go hiking and cycling. Fresh air in the open air is not only very beneficial for the immune system, but also quickly activates additional strength. This frees the mind for new tasks.

Conference folder

Directions, seating plans, conference packages, conference technology, accommodation offers - you will find all this at a glance in the conference folder.

Our Vouchers
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